Angel Fund You can also donate to the Angel Fund and be a Hope Hero! Donate Need something only an Angel can provide? Alliance for HOPE International’s Angel Fund is designed to meet a very specific need in the life of a child participating in our Camp HOPE America and Pathways to HOPE programs. Children and teens in Camp HOPE America and Pathways to HOPE programs have all been impacted by domestic violence and related child abuse. Many do not have a parent or caregiver with the financial resources to meet specific needs in the child’s life. A specific need may be for new glasses, driver’s education classes, registration fees for youth sporting leagues, a guitar or other type of musical instrument, tutoring, or tuition or fees for a special educational program. Donors to the Alliance may designate gifts specifically to the Angel Fund or may inquire about donating to a specific need for a specific child. Children, teens, or their parents may also request help from Alliance for HOPE International. The Alliance cannot guarantee help but will seek to identify a donor to fund a specific need or a partner agency that may be able to assist at little or no cost to the child or his/her parent or foster parent within 45 days. Our goal with the Angel Fund is to create pathways to hope for children exposed to trauma by meeting very specific, one time needs in a child’s life in the long journey to hope and healing. What Need does child have?* Extra curricular EducationHealthcareDriver’s EducationOther Please describe this Need:* Child’s First Name* Child’s Last Name* Parent/Guardian Name* Parent/Guardian Phone* Child’s Phone Submit To donate to the Angel Fund, click here, and be a hope hero!